Knowledge of cloud computing 

You’re confused about cloud computing. On cloud computing and how it may help your small business, we’re clearing the air. 

What then is a cloud? 

You save all of your data, files, and applications in the cloud so that you may access it from any computer or device, anywhere, at any time. See how the cloud can affect your work, banking, communication, selling, and purchasing. 

  • Traditional banking vs. internet banking: In the past, you could only access your financial information in person at the bank. Your financial information is accessible online and in the cloud with internet banking. You can access it from any location at any time using any device. 
  • Web mail vs. traditional mail: Historically, only the post office had access to your correspondence. Your mail is accessible whenever you’re online thanks to web mail. Emails can be sent at any time, from any location, and on any device. 
  • Traditional filing vs cloud storage: When compared to cloud storage, traditional filing restricted access to the workplace. Your data are easily accessible for you whenever you’re online, at any time, from anywhere using online or cloud storage. 
  • Traditional vs. online shopping: When a physical store is only open during specific hours and locations, clients only have a brief window of opportunity to examine and purchase your goods. Customers can benefit from the ease of being able to view products and shop whenever, anywhere, and on any device with online shopping. 
  • Cloud accounting software vs conventional accounting software: Your data is stored on your desktop computer or laptop when using classic desktop software. This implies that it is frequently only accessible to a small number of individuals and is only available at specific times and on specific devices. If you have an internet connection, you can always access your data because it lives online with cloud software. Additionally, good cloud software will let an infinite number of concurrent users. 

cloud myths debunked. 

We’re addressing the difficult issues regarding cloud computing so you can be ready before transferring your small business to the cloud. The cloud isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. 

  • Cloud computing is only the internet, right? Your device is connected to the cloud using the internet, but this connection only serves as a conduit for your data, which is stored on the cloud. 
  • Is it conceivable for your cloud data to be lost? Actually, the cloud is a far safer place for your data than your machine is. Although it’s quite simple to steal or corrupt your computer, cloud computing firms invest millions in systems and specialists to safeguard your data. 
  • The cloud is a product of Apple, right? Cloud technology is used by Apple’s iCloud offering, but numerous other businesses, like Google, Dropbox, and Xero, offer cloud-based products. 
  • If the internet goes down, you won’t be left all alone, right? Nowadays, the internet is much like electricity: it rarely goes down, and when it does, you just need to wait a short while for it to come back online. Your entire data is secure on the cloud in the interim. 
  • Cloud computing: merely a passing trend? The cloud has been there for years, and it keeps growing. Over 15 years ago, internet banking was introduced. Technology today is so quick and affordable that it is utilised for everything. 
  • Cloud computing is not cheap. You only pay for what you use, so it’s far less expensive. You won’t be required to pay for ongoing system maintenance, support costs, or extra hardware like backup systems. 
  • I won’t lose in charge of my data. Since you can access, share, and work with your information whenever you want, anywhere, on any device, you actually have far more control over it. Additionally, you have control over who gets access, which you can immediately withdraw. 
  • Isn’t the cloud only for tech people? The cloud is much easier for everyone you just log in and it works. Imagine not having to deal with file installations, versioning issues, or upgrades and patches. Simply log in. 

 Allow the cloud to release you. 

As you can see, accessing your data from anywhere at any time is a major advantage of cloud computing. Your work computer’s link to your company’s data is severed thanks to the cloud. 

Want to have mobile access to your company’s bank account? There’s no issue with the cloud. While riding the train, would you like to purchase office supplies? It’s simple. While you’re away from the office, do you need to update your accounts? You can now. 

With the cloud, you can stop worrying about backups, theft, data loss, support, and upgrades by eliminating the need to maintain all of your information and apps on a single computer. Technical staff with dedication take care of everything. You no longer required to be concerned about what goes on behind the scenes. 

The cloud makes computing less stressful. It enables seamless, secure, real-time access to all of your corporate information using PCs, laptops, tablets, cellphones, and other devices. Log in and leave at any time or location. 


Accounting, tax, business, and legal advice are not offered by Xero. This manual has only been made available for informational purposes. Before acting on any recommendation regarding the offered content or for advice specifically pertaining to your company, you should speak with your own professional advisors.  


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