The Harshad Mehta Bull Run: A Historical Account 


Harshad-Mehta-Bull-Run In the early 1990s, India experienced a stock market boom that was driven by the activities of a single individual: Harshad Mehta. Mehta, a stockbroker from Mumbai, used a variety of illegal and unethical tactics to manipulate the market and drive up stock prices. The impact of his actions was felt throughout the Indian financial system, and the period came to be known as the Harshad Mehta bull run. 


 Harshad Mehta began his career as a stockbroker in the late 1970s, and quickly gained a reputation as a savvy investor. He was known for his ability to identify undervalued stocks and invest in them before they became popular. However, it was his activities in the early 1990s that made him a legend in the Indian stock market. 

The Rise of Harshad Mehta

Harshad-Mehta-Bull-Run Harshad Mehta began his career as a stockbroker in the late 1970s, and quickly gained a reputation as a savvy investor. He was known for his ability to identify undervalued stocks and invest in them before they became popular. However, it was his activities in the early 1990s that made him a legend in the Indian stock market. 

The Tactics of Harshad Mehta 

Mehta used a variety of tactics to manipulate the market and drive up stock prices. One of his most famous tactics was the “replacement cost theory”, in which he argued that the value of a company’s assets should be based on the cost of replacing them, rather than their market value. This allowed him to artificially inflate the value of stocks, and then sell them at a profit. 

Mehta also used a technique known as “circular trading”, in which he would use a network of brokers to create artificial demand for a particular stock. He would then use this demand to drive up the price of the stock, and then sell it at a profit. 

Harshad Mehta’s Fallout 

The impact of the Harshad Mehta bull run was felt throughout the Indian financial system. Many investors lost their life savings, and several banks and financial institutions were brought to the brink of collapse. Mehta himself was eventually arrested and charged with a variety of financial crimes, and he died in prison in 2001. 

Legacy And Lessons Learned  

Harshad-Mehta-Bull-Run The Harshad Mehta case led to a lot of changes in the Indian financial system. One of the most significant changes was the creation of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in 1992, which was formed to regulate the securities market and protect the interests of investors. 

SEBI has since been instrumental in ensuring transparency and accountability in the Indian financial system. It has introduced several reforms to improve the functioning of the market, including the introduction of online trading, the dematerialization of shares, and the introduction of stricter disclosure norms for listed companies. 

Overall, the Harshad Mehta bull run was a watershed moment in the Indian stock market. The reforms that followed have transformed the market into a more transparent and efficient system and have made it a safer place for investors. While it is important to remember the lessons of the past, it is equally important to look to the future and continue to strive for a better financial system for all. 


Harshad-Mehta-Bull-Run The Harshad Mehta bull run was a dark period in the history of the Indian stock market. It was driven by the activities of a single individual, who used illegal and unethical tactics to manipulate the market and drive-up stock prices. While the period is now seen as a cautionary tale, it remains an important part of the history of the Indian financial system. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Harshad Mehta and the Bull Run 

Q: Who was Harshad Mehta?  

A: Harshad Mehta was a stockbroker from Mumbai who gained notoriety for his activities in the early 1990s that led to a stock market boom in India. 

Q: What was the Harshad Mehta bull run?  

A: The Harshad Mehta bull run was a period in the early 1990s when the Indian stock market experienced a boom, driven by the activities of Harshad Mehta who used illegal and unethical tactics to manipulate the market and drive up stock prices. 

Q: What were the tactics used by Harshad Mehta to manipulate the market?  

A: Harshad Mehta used a variety of tactics to manipulate the market, including the “replacement cost theory” and “circular trading”. These tactics allowed him to artificially inflate the value of stocks and then sell them at a profit. 

Q: What was the impact of the Harshad Mehta bull run on the Indian financial system?

A: The impact of the Harshad Mehta bull run was felt throughout the Indian financial system, with many investors losing their life savings and several banks and financial institutions brought to the brink of collapse. 

Q: What happened to Harshad Mehta?  

A: Harshad Mehta was eventually arrested and charged with a variety of financial crimes. He died in prison in 2001. 

Q: What changes were made to the Indian financial system after the Harshad Mehta case?  

A: The Harshad Mehta case led to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in 1992, which was formed to regulate the securities market and protect the interests of investors. SEBI has since introduced several reforms to improve the functioning of the market, making it a safer place for investors. 

Q: What lessons can we learn from the Harshad Mehta bull run?  

A: The Harshad Mehta bull run is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked market manipulation. It is important to remember the lessons of the past and strive for a more transparent and efficient financial system that protects the interests of all investors. 

Overall, the Harshad Mehta bull run was a dark moment in the history of the Indian stock market. It is important to understand the impact of illegal and unethical practices on the financial system and take steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. 



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